Tom Webster is the managing director of Guardian Advice, an independent mortgage and protection adviser practice with offices across Sussex.

What is your favourite place in Sussex?

It has to be the River Cuckmere and the Seven Sisters, I drive past it every day and never take its beauty for granted.

What do you love most about living in Sussex?

I love how we have everything at our feet, great cities with vibrant culture like Brighton, the best countryside and country pubs and of course in this weather the seaside and beaches.

What advice do you have for your 12-year-old self?

Not to listen to people who use the term “don’t run before you can walk”, you will find it is very rarely the right time so start today.

What is your most valued possession?

I tend to value experiences over possessions but if I had to say anything it would be my phone. I can run a lot of my business from it and don’t think I could go a day without it.

What is your biggest regret?

Using credit cards and loans at an early age, I feel like consumer debt held me back a few years. Even though at the time it’s fun to buy expensive things, it also restricts opportunity. Staying debt free gives you more options and in business flexibility is an asset.

What is your biggest fear?

I get serious FOMO (fear of missing out), I read the book Yes Man when I was younger and do my best to say yes to everything… it’s now developed into a serious condition of FOMO.

What is your proudest achievement?

At the age of 25 I was approached by an old client of mine to take over his business so he could retire. Taking that from a small practice to offices in London, Forest Row and Eastbourne in a relatively short space of time has felt like a real achievement.

Which five people (living or dead) would you invite to your fantasy dinner party?

Barack Obama, Leonardo DiCaprio, Dalai Lama, Elon Musk and Queen Elizabeth II.

For more information about Guardian Advice, visit or call 01323 409 849.