A BEAUTY queen has launched her own organisation to help young people with mental health problems.

Seventeen-year-old Ella Collins-Godden also aims to spread the word about the need for more funding for services.

Ella, from Shoreham, has had mental health issues of her own and intends to use her first hand experience to support her Friends of the People Organisation.

She said: “I have been helped by the children and adolescent mental health services (CAHMS) team and have seen for myself just how underfunded it is.

“What I want to do is revolutionise the way mental health services are funded and we are aiming to work with social services, health professionals, MPs and more to achieve this.

“Mental health still has a stigma about it and I think it often gets overlooked.”

The organisation’s initial aim is to raise enough funding to provide more to help to young people at an early stage of their condition and pay for a stay for two inpatients.

It also wants to encourage schools to offer support and will also provide its own help to families while working with other organisations in Sussex.

Ella, who holds the title of Royal International Miss UK Teen is travelling to Florida in July to represent the UK at the international finals.

She has chosen mental health as her platform and supports Coastal West Sussex Mind through raffles and fundraising events.

Ella, who also works as a nanny, said: “Worthing CAMHS has been very supportive of me during my issues but funding problems mean there is only one psychiatrist doing three people’s jobs. There are also very limited psychiatric beds available, which results in family members caring for their children, and missed opportunities for correct diagnosis and treatment”.

Ella is looking for people to join her team and needs volunteers to help with research, promotion, fundraising and the running of the organisation.

For more information email friendsofthepeopleorganisation@gmaol.com.