A CROWDFUNDING campaign has been launched to support a major new eye unit.

The charity Love Your Hospital is aiming to raise £35,000 to help the ophthalmology centre due to open at Southlands Hospital in Shoreham in June.

The centre is run by Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust, which also has hospitals in Worthing and Chichester.

Patients currently treated for eye problems at Worthing will be transferred to the new centre.

The charity hopes its Our Vision, Your Sight appeal will raise funds for equipment outside of core NHS funding.

This includes electronic tablets to enable patients to view information videos at the clinic with their consultant or a microscope and scanner which provides clinicians with a detailed three-dimensional image of the retina.

Charity head Amanda Tucker said: “The quality of our vision has a direct effect on our quality of life.

“Restoring a person’s sight can mean they regain their independence and control over their lives again.

“With an ageing population, it’s more important than ever for us all to invest in the ophthalmology services available to our community.”

“Our Vision, Your Sight is about supporting the eye care needs for patients today and for generations to come.

“By donating to our crowdfunding campaign, the local community can help the trust’s dedicated eye care specialists provide care and facilities that will reduce waiting times, provide earlier diagnosis, faster treatment and reduce the instances of long term sight loss.”

Crowdfunding relies on a large community of supporters to share the project link, content and fundraising updates on social media and via email with friends, family and followers.

They can also make a one-off or regular donation.

Consultant ophthalmologist Masoud Teimory, who has worked for the trust for 19 years, says the new unit is an eye care centre of excellence and will be a major boost for patients.

He said: “My colleagues and I are immensely excited at the prospect of working in our new first class facility with innovative diagnostic and surgical equipment.

“Our patients will receive the best eye care available in a safe, modern environment.”

At present, the trust’s eye care team sees more than 30,000 patients each year .

Demand for eye care in the area continues to increase year-on-year.

To support the campaign visit the website at loveyourhospital.org/vision.