Antonia Grove is artistic director of the award-winning dance theatre company Probe. Now You See It has been written, choreographed and is performed by Antonia herself.

What is your favourite place in Sussex?

Cuckmere Haven and the Seven Sisters sheep farm during lambing season.

What do you love most about living in Sussex?

Sussex is beautiful, I have always liked being on top of a hill and there are plenty to climb and I’ve lived on a few! Brighton is such a vibrant, colourful city in so many ways, with creativity in abundance.

What advice do you have for your 12-year-old self?

You’re doing just fine. Keep on dancing but don’t be afraid to use your voice, you’ll need it later.

What is your most valued possession?

A ceramic painted Shiva I brought back from India, that sits over my fireplace.

What is your biggest regret?

I try not to think like that, I’m pretty happy with the decisions I’ve made so far. I think I’ve been extremely bold and brave in my career but I will always consider could I have taken more risks or been braver with my decisions?

What is your biggest fear?

I’m afraid of lots of things, all the time, such as death, life, missing something important. I try not to attach myself too strongly to any of them or I would be extremely anxious.

What is your proudest achievement?

I’m proud of having worked nearly 20 years at the forefront of the contemporary dance world and of the boundaries I’ve crossed to be making the kind of cross-artform work I now make.

I’m proud of bringing two gorgeous kids into the world and of the beautiful, sensitive people they are.

Which five people (living or dead) would you invite to your fantasy dinner party?

I’d gather all my ancestors, the ones I never got to meet, in one room.

Anything else?

My new dance theatre work, Now You See It, will be at The Attenborough Centre on May 14 at 7.30pm. The performance will be captioned and the post-show talk BSL interpreted. Love to see you there.

I’m launching a community engagement project called the Visible Art Project.