A woman has been asked by the Royal Mail to cut back her lavender bushes because they breach health and safety rules.

Marie Zadeh was astonished when she was warned - ironically by letter - that postmen were having difficulty getting to her letter box.

The letter said Royal Mail had an obligation to its staff to ensure their health and safety.

Mrs Zadeh, who lives in Ruskin Place, Hove, said there were no thorns on the bush and said it was not difficult to reach to her door.

The mother of two, who works as a gardener, said: "It is just ridiculous.

"I think these new health and safety laws are going a bit too far. It all seems so unnecessary.

"There is nothing in my garden which could cut the post men and women or strangle them or do them any harm at all.

"If the postman happened to touch a bit of lavender it really is not going to hurt him in anyway.

"It might be a bit overgrown because it has just flowered but it is beautiful. It is not so overgrown that it is going to stop people getting through.

"I get compliments on my garden all the time and you have to let things flower before you cut them back."

Mrs Zadeh, 45, who had tied the branches back for the postman, said she would have preferred him to say something to her rather than being sent such an official letter.

She said: "There used to be a community atmosphere where everyone knew your postman, but it has all been taken away by rules and regulations.

"It all feels so impersonal and rule-obsessed."

The letter to Mrs Zadeh is from delivery manager Howard Bedwell, who is based at the Royal Mail depot in Hove.

It said: "We are currently experiencing great problems in delivering your post due to the overgrown bushes in your pathway leading to your front door.

"I have an obligation to all my staff to ensure their health and safety at all times and this is now in breach of this.

"I would appreciate it if you could trim these bushes back to enable our staff easy access to your front door."

A spokeswoman for Royal Mail said: "Access to the customer's letter box was blocked by overgrown bushes and this made it very difficult for the postman to deliver. We contacted the customer. We regret any inconvenience this may have caused but the safety of our staff is of prime importance."