A singer who had two top-five hits in the Seventies has written a song to mark next month's smoking ban.

Johnny Wakelin, of Denton Drive in Hollingbury, Brighton, who gave up smoking 25 years ago, was strumming chords on his guitar when the lyrics came to him. He recorded the track, called No Smoking, with a band called The Diablos and is to release it on iTunes at the end of the month.

Johnny, who had hits in the Seventies with Black Superman and In Zaire, said: "My parents and youngest brother died of smokingrelated illnesses.

"I didn't have the smoking ban in mind when I started writing the song, which is country rock-style."

The song was recorded at Metway Studios in Kemp Town by producer Al Scott, who has worked with The Levellers.

To listen to the track, click here.