SALSA enthusiasts danced the night away and raised hundreds of pounds for charity in the process.

The Salsa For Solar event took place last week at Brighton’s Bandstand to fundraise for Renewable World, a non-profit organisation based in Queen's Road, Brighton.

Renewable World brings sustainable energy to people in developing countries across Central America, East Africa and South Asia.

Last year the Bandstand Bailando event raised more than £260 and this time collected £365.11 through spectator and dancer donations.

Sarah Donnelly of Renewable World said: “This event is really important as it raises funds but also helps to raise awareness of Renewable World.

"In Kenya, women spend many gruelling hours every day collecting water and firewood. There is no such thing as leisure time in their lives.

"We should celebrate how lucky we are to be able to dance by the sea in our spare time, and help those who cannot even imagine this luxury.”

To find out more about Renewable World visit

Bandstand Bailando runs every Wednesday throughout the summer.