A VAN driver ran from the scene of a crash after being chased for three miles by police.

Officers spotted the silver Vauxhall Astra van travelling at speed without any lights at about 2am today in The Ridge, Hastings.

They pursued it and indicated for it to stop, but the driver ignored this and instead turned right on to the A21. He went through a red light at the junction of John Macadam Way and ignored several keep-left signs, passing on the off-side of two mini-roundabouts at speeds in excess of 70mph.

The vehicle then turned left into St Helens Road, driving at over 70mph, and then left again into Elphinstone Road. After taking a right into Mount Pleasant Road, the driver lost control and crashed into a house.

The man ran north on Mount Pleasant Road, into Hughenden Place and down an alleyway towards Beaconsfield Road, where he was lost. He discarded a blue tracksuit top at the top of the alleyway, which has been seized for forensic examination.

The van, which was damaged, had Saunders Gardening written on it, and a pair of bolt croppers were found in the back.

Anyone with information should email 101@sussex.pnn.police.uk or call 101, quoting serial 82 of 19/08.