DON’T give up on us and simply try harder – that is the message from Hastings MP Amber Rudd to University of Brighton bosses looking at pulling out of her constituency

University bosses announced back in January they were reviewing the future of its campus in Havelock Road, Hastings because it cannot attract enough students. The campus is running at an annual loss of around £1.2 million.

The announcement was greeted with horror in Hastings and led to demonstrations from students as well as criticism from leading community figures.

But Ms Rudd, speaking to The Argus, said that university education is vital to Hastings and 1066 Country, and retaining higher education is an absolute must.

The new Home Secretary said: "There is a three-month on-going consultation and now is the time for people to have their say – and I want to make sure that they are listened to.

"I was as shocked and disappointed as anyone else by the sudden decision from the university management that the provision was at risk.

"It came as a complete surprise. The new university in Hastings was a huge part of a long-term regeneration plan for our town, and it is not something we will give up.

"I have been very robust in making my personal view known that to have no university provision in Hastings is not an option. Simple as that."

Ms Rudd accepted that student numbers have been lower than expected and student satisfaction was lower than at the Brighton and Eastbourne campuses.

But her message to university bosses was very blunt: "They must try harder to improve both the numbers and the level of satisfaction. It is quite straight forward."

The university said earlier in the year that a review of ‘a range of options’ was underway with a decision expected 'in the next few months.'

It has since emerged that a new University Centre - to be run as a partnership between Sussex Coast College Hastings and the University of Brighton - could be established.