BUS strikes have been suspended for further talks after improved relations between management and unions.

Bus drivers and engineers at Brighton and Hove Buses and its subsidiary Metrobus in Crawley have suspended industrial action for further talks with management.

Unite officers welcomed the firm’s "fresh look" at its management style in announcing the potential strike's suspension.

It follows a public statement from Brighton and Hove Buses managing director Martin Harris last week who admitted mistakes in previous dealings with staff and recognised areas of improvement.

Unite members had voted by 71.4 per cent in favour of strike action with 83.3 per cent backing industrial action short of a strike at the start of the month.

Union officials said relations had deteriorated at Brighton and Hove buses after the introduction of a new management team following the retirement of the previous managing director.

Unite regional officer Janet Henney said: “We are very pleased at the responsibility the company has taken in addressing the issues we raised in relation to its hardline management attitude.

"We are keen to work with them to resolve these matters for our members.

“Further meetings are scheduled to take place. Industrial action has been suspended to allow us to measure whether the company is genuinely committed to addressing these issues.

“We hope to reach an amicable resolution if the company continues to work constructively in this way.”

Martin Harris, managing director of Brighton and Hove Buses, said: "The talks taking place between Brighton and Hove Buses and Unite have been positive, constructive and conducted by both sides in a spirit of conciliation and open-mindedness.

"These frank and helpful discussions have allowed me to see the issues in a fresh light.”