THE family of a teenager who inspired thousands with her videos about her battle with cancer have completed a fundraising walk in her memory.

Three years to the day of the diagnosis of the cancer that was to kill her, Charlotte Eades’ mother Alex and 21 year old brother Miles arrived back in Eastbourne after a 200 mile walk.

The pair have spent almost two weeks doing the walk along the South Downs Way, from Eastbourne to Winchester and back again.

Along the way they encountered horizontal rain, thick fog, howling gales, blistering sunshine, biting insects and stinging plants, as well as many other fellow walkers and others they met along the way.

Their efforts have raised more than over £3, 00 which will go directly into funding research into glioblastoma, the rare and deadly form of brain cancer from which Charlotte suffered.

Charlotte, from Brighton, died in February, just a week after her 19th birthday.

After the walk Alex said: “I don’t think we quite knew what we were taking on, but however tough it got, the fact that we were doing it for Charlotte and that one day we will make a difference for other glioblastoma sufferers really kept us going.

“Glioblastoma is a horrible disease which takes away everything a person has, so the fact that we got some blisters and aches and pains is nothing compared to what Charlotte went through, and what we watched her go through.”

Charlotte became an ambassador about cancer in young people, with a series of candid and emotional vlogs about her condition, with her youtube channel receiving almost one million views to date.

Her family have bravely kept the vlogs going, posting on various subjects including symptoms of cancer and coping with grief and more light-hearted subjects such as her handbag collection.

In June this year, four months after her death, Charlotte received a special recognition award from Cancer Research UK to mark her achievements.

Friends welcomed Alex and Miles back with chilled Prosecco – Charlotte’s favourite drink.

Alex, Miles and a family friend will shortly announce their own registered charity to continue the fight against glioblastoma, but in the meantime donations can still be made via