PAULINE Woodward has enjoyed showing us to our seats and selling interval treats for 40 years.


Pauline Woodward enjoyed a tea party to celebrate reaching the milestone at Theatre Royal Brighton, having joined the team in 1976.

Pauline has performed various front of house roles at the Theatre, where she has worked with eight successive Theatre Managers.  

To mark her extraordinary contribution to the Theatre, John Baldock, General Manager, Theatre Royal Brighton, presented Pauline with an original framed antique playbill of a production entitled Pauline which was staged at the Theatre in 1856.

Pauline, who recalls that her starting salary at the Theatre was £1.35 an hour, and programmes cost 15 pence, has known many of the theatre’s audience members for her entire time in her post.

Asked about the highlight of her 40 years, Pauline said: “It has to be the Queen’s visit for the bicentenary of Theatre Royal Brighton in 2007”.  

“But really every day in this job is so enjoyable.  We are very lucky to work in a wonderful building with such lovely
