MORE than 1,000 people attended a huge picnic which raised more than £1,300 for a children’s hospice.

Happyjacks Softplay - a family-run mobile soft play hire business - hosted its third A Picnic in the Park event in aid of Chestnut Tree House, near Arundel.

There were taster sessions from a wide variety of children’s activity providers, including football, dancing, baby sensory play, singing, drumming and softplay at Gildredge Park in Eastbourne.

Parents could also find out more about financial planning, baby swimming, baby signing pre-school, bouncy castle, face painting and martial arts.

Jaki Tompkins, from Happyjacks Softplay, said: "It was such a great day. What started as a meet-up for parents who come to our softplay sessions and classes has grown and evolved into this amazing event."

Chestnut Tree House also attended on the day, helping to marshal the event and running their own awareness stand where parents and carers could find out more about the work the hospice does in East Sussex.

With the help of its Hands Up campaign, the charity is currently expanding its services in East Sussex, with the aim of reaching more of the families who need their care here.

Georgina Cook, Fundraising Officer for East Sussex, said: "As part of our campaign we need to raise awareness and funds for the hospice, and this event has become a vital part of that for us.

"Over the last three years, the event has raised over £3,000, and helped us reach thousands of people, Jaki should be very proud of herself."

Jaki is already planning next year’s event, and said she will continue to support Chestnut Tree.

She said: "We love doing it, and we love supporting such an amazing and supportive charity. We are working on the details and will let everyone know the date and venue as soon as we can."