A SERVICE which provides care and support for people with learning or physical disabilities is celebrating after getting the highest possible score from inspectors.

Egalite Care Ltd in Worthing was awarded an overall rating of outstanding from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) following a check in June.

The company helps people living in their own home, supported living accommodation or their family home and currently has about 65 individuals on its books.

Inspectors found Egalite outstanding for being caring and well-led and good for being safe, effective and responsive to people’s needs.

CQC deputy chief inspector of adult social care, Deborah Ivanova, said: “I was pleased to read how Egalite Care are delivering an exceptional level of care for people with learning disabilities living in their own homes.

“It was clear staff made a positive difference to people’s lives.

“People were supported and encouraged to live independently and to lead meaningful lives. The provider made sure that this support was delivered by staff who had the right skills and knowledge to provide high quality care.

“Both the provider and staff should feel proud of the work they do and of the outstanding service they provide.

“People should always be cared for by services that are safe, effective, caring, responsive to their needs and well-led."

The report highlighted a number of areas of outstanding practice, including making a commitment to driving up quality in learning disability services and promoting a positive culture which was person-centred and inclusive.

Inspectors said staff were “exceptionally kind”, caring and supported people to be independent and achieve their full potential.

Management were approachable and supportive, staff felt listened to and positive changes had been made following feedback received.

Manager Debbie Clark said: “We are delighted to have been assessed as outstanding by the CQC in our recent inspection.

“It is fantastic to receive this as recognition for all our hard work. As a team we are all committed to ensuring we provide the best support we can to our clients."