Christmas is a time for families, when we travel far and wide to be with our nearest and dearest. When we gather together to celebrate the season with festive good cheer and happiness.

Some people however are not so lucky to have families and many good folk recognise that fact. Eastbourne Rotary will be hosting their annual "Alone at Christmas" luncheon on Christmas Day and it will be my privilege to attend and to have the chance speak to the people who will be there.

In this message I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who has invited me to an event this year. It has been my pleasure to meet so many people who give so freely of their time in order to help others who are disadvantaged. Their generosity of time and spirit and those who give, marks Eastbourne out as a truly remarkable town.

Therefore I extend to each and everyone, a hearty wish for a Happy Christmas and Best Wishes for a healthy, peaceful and prosperous 2016.