I am getting heartily fed up with unelected council bureaucrats telling us taxpayers how to throw our waste away.

I agree that items which can be recycled should not be included with food waste, but in the same vein I object to them saying food waste should be composted.

If you have the space to create and can use a compost heap when it is ready then fine. But what about those of us whose gardens are ornamental? And what about flat dwellers? Where do they build a compost heap - on their balconies?

Someone will probably suggest giving compostables to your local allotment society, but travelling to them would make a mockery of reducing CO2 as I doubt anyone would walk to allotments with their food waste.

Councils should look out at the coming elections, as a great deal of them need a change in their political administration, Brighton and Hove especially.

Rod Ackers
Lucerne Close,