A SIX-year-old boy has been rescued after slipping through rails at the seafront.

Littlehampton Coastguard Rescue Team, Sussex Fire and Rescue and Sussex Police were all called to the rescue of the six-year-old boy who had slipped between rails and became trapped by a breakwater in Bognor.

The National Maritime Operations Centre was called at 7.30 pm yesterday evening by a member of the public reporting the incident with emergency services quickly coming to the aid of the distressed child and his parents who were trying to help him.

Firefighters cut a 4 ft piece of timber out of the breakwater to free the child within minutes.

Holly Newnham, UK Coastguard, said: “I am pleased to report that the child is safe and well.

“We advise people of all ages to be careful when playing near the water’s edge – equipment can be slippery and may not be as secure as you assume.”