Henry Law (Letters, April 12) surely speaks for many rail users.

I endorse his pleas for more generous leg room, comfy seats and better baggage storage facilities.

Are the railway companies the only firms which think people are getting smaller and have less to carry when they travel?

Two more things, at least, cry out for attention. First, can the awful "Ding! Dong!" which precedes every message from a tannoy be eliminated?

These intrusions are totally redundant, as South West Trains (SWT) shows by, thankfully, avoiding them. This is another reason to prefer the SWT services when they are an option.

Second, we need decent sized areas for bicycles to be stowed rather than the token provision which exists at present. The combination of cycle and train is such a wonderfully "green" and efficient way to travel.

Lack of investment in the facility is a sad indication of the real priorities of transport policy.

  • Les Robinson, Adur Avenue, Shoreham