The Home Office has given a town £93,000 to deal with the most difficult antisocial families.

The Government's Respect Taskforce awarded the money to a Hastings partnership which includes the national charity Crime Reduction Initiatives and the Safer Hastings Partnership.

Hastings became a Respect Action Area in January and the Family Intervention Project was established to work with local antisocial families.

Some of the families are at risk of losing their homes or of other enforcement action by the local authorities.

Families accepted onto the Family Intervention Project are appointed a key worker who provides daily intensive support.

Louise Casey of the Respect Taskforce said: "These projects grip families and by using a mix of strong enforcement and intensive help are proven to turn families around.

"These are families that in the past we might have given up on but now we can offer them a second chance to become decent members of their community and most importantly give their children the opportunity to grow up with a chance in life."