These are the details taken from the manufacturer's specification for the turbine proposed for Glyndebourne Opera House and estate (The Argus March 12): The power output rating is 850kw at a wind speed of 15m/sec (approx 35mph).

Based on an average wind speed for the site of 6.8m/sec (approx 16mph), the output is in the order of 190kW.

It should be noted that the basic equation for power v wind speed would make the power output at 6.8m/sec 110kW. However, whichever of the two lower ratings you accept it doesn't sound a good deal either financially or technically and in this case the maximum power would be required during the opera season in the summer.

Taking into account the carbon footprint for the manufacture of the turbine, control equipment and power cable together with transport and construction work it doesn't seem it will make a significant contribution to CO2 emission reduction.

  • BG Beck, Highdown Road, Lewes