I can feel for Chris Leppard (The Argus, March 31).

I met Chris and his mother in the once-Cafe Central in Hastings when he was trying so hard to diet and do his exercise - and met Anne his mother in passing at the Conquest Hospital whilst Chris was having tests. I hope he keeps his mental agility through all of this.

I personally have to lose weight.

I have become obese through lack of exercise with ill health, but a year and a half ago, I was also diagnosed with "metabolic syndrome X" - an insulin resistance problem I did not know I had. Anthony Worrell Thompson, the chef, was diagnosed with this and after reading his account, I realised how dangerous it can be.

When I can, I exercise by walking or on my exercise bike; also I keep a mental vigil to keep "with it". I am having ongoing tests and can sympathise with Chris and many more in his situation.

Surely, with all the finance that has come into Hastings, and the new housing needed, a specialist bungalow could be built for Chris and his mother.

If the council's worries are the cost I would say that it should not built with just them in mind.

If the bungalow was built as a fully-adapted disabled bungalow then it surely would be a financial investment.

If it was built in a nice quiet area - peaceful, but on a bus route - there are many who would find such housing beneficial.

Chris is a man who obviously is trying - and wants to live.

So let him.

  • Josie Lawson, St Leonards-on-Sea