I suspect I am not your only reader who tires of reading of the chaos of the Brighton secondary schools admissions system (The Argus, April 4).

The Brighton and Hove Local Education Authority, head teachers and parents involved should lift their eyes to a wider vision and stop squabbling like ferrets in a sack.

There are no such things as good or bad schools per se; only schools filled with well or badly behaved and motivated pupils.

Unless a student works really hard it matters little where they go to school. The inculcation of this respect for learning is a parental duty.

We live in times of unprecedented educational opportunities. Education spending now stands at £74 billion a year; up from £29 billion in 1997. By 2010 it will be £90 billion and soon all young people will be able to stay in education or training until the age of 18.

Parents and pupils must embrace positively these opportunities, otherwise they will be living proof of the old adage: "For every one who wants to teach, there are 30 who don't want to learn."

  • John Hodgson, Capel Avenue, Peacehaven