If Southern Railway staff are harassing people for taking photographs at railway stations (The Argus, April 4), they are acting in disregard of Network Rail's guidelines.

These are set out in "Guidelines for rail enthusiasts - Advice for rail enthusiasts visiting stations on the National Rail network".

The rules on photography are as follows: "Taking photographs on stations is permitted providing it is for personal use.

"For any commercial photography, prior permission must be sought from the appropriate train operator or, from Network Rail at their 17 major stations.

"On busy stations the use of a tripod may cause a dangerous obstruction to passengers and you may be asked not to use one.

"In addition, tripod legs must also be kept away from platform edges and behind the yellow lines.

"Flash photography on platforms is not allowed as it may distract the attention of train drivers and train despatch staff and is therefore a potential safety hazard.

"You are also not allowed to take photographs of security-related equipment such as CCTV cameras."

Southern Railway managers should ensure their staff are aware of this policy.

  • Henry Law, Queen's Gardens, Brighton