Sheep and cows could be recruited to save endangered heathland from disappearing.

Chailey Common near Lewes is home to a wide range of wildlife including birds, butterflies, bees and insects as well as plantlife including rare flowers.

The reserve is regularly used by dog walkers, horseriders and for nature studies.

But it is slowly disappearing under bracken, shrubs and woodland and the Chailey Common Management Committee says something has to be done to protect it.

Despite strenuous efforts and the help of a team of volunteers, the team is only able to keep limited parts of the common open and the healthland and its wildlife is under threat.

Areas of the common are now effectively impassable to walkers and others due to the dense vegetation and half of it is now covered by bracken and shrub.

The committee believes allowing sheep, cattle and possibly ponies to graze will help clear areas and stop vegetation from spreading.

It is investigating the possibility of putting permanent fencing around the perimeter of the common with access for pedestrians and horseriders.

The committee says no decision has been made on what steps to take next but wants to hear from people who may have ideas and alternatives suggestions.

A drop-in day where people can ask questions and get information is taking place at Chailey village hall on Sunday (apr 15) from 11am to 6pm., Two guided walks of the common, starting at Pound Common car park are also being held to look at and discuss issues raised.

These will take place on Sunday (apr 15) at 3pm and April 21 at 11am.

Copies of the consultation can be found online at and comments should be sent in by June 29.