A TAXI ride proved very expensive for a passenger who assaulted the driver at the end of his journey.

Elliott Purser, 22, of Lichfield Gardens, Aldwick, near Bognor, took the trip in February after a night out in Portsmouth.

On arrival in Chichester and after arguing with driver Gabriel Muntaneau, Purser became violent and punched him in the head.

On Wednesday, May 20, Purser appeared before Chichester magistrates and denied a charge of assault by beating.

But he was found guilty and given an 18-month condtional discharge. He was also told he must pay prosecution costs of £620, a victim surcharge of £15 and compensation of £50 to his victim.

A collection order was made.

After the case, the officer who arrested Purser, PC Matt Chamberlain, said: "Thanks to closed circuit television cameras inside the taxi we were able to prosecute Purser even though he denied the attack.

"This conviction is a reminder to all that violence towards people simply doing their job will not be tolerated."