I was extremely excited to read your article about Sonny Keywood and his letter to the Queen regarding a permanent ice rink in Brighton.

I found the council’s response rather patronising as I’m sure that as a hockey player Sonny is well aware of the fact that ice rinks are expensive to build and run. This is exactly why we need the council to support us.

Having campaigned for a permanent rink for over a decade, I have approached the council asking them to help us find a suitable location and to lease a property to us at a reasonable rate.

I also found this information on the council’s website – ‘Local plan policy SR21 resists the loss of indoor recreation facilities unless the following considerations can be met: – replacement facilities are provided in a location as close as practicable to existing and potential users.’ Surely this means it is up to the council to provide us with this much needed facility as they closed our rink in Queen Square.

I shall be writing to Eric Pickles in support of Sonny and would urge others to do the same.

Abigail Feldwicke Address supplied