SO Pete West wants to pay special attention to illegal parking. To be precise, drivers who park on pavements and cause obstructions to pedestrians. Great, but what about the illegal parkers who constantly flout the rules by parking in residents’ and disabled bays.

The current policing by wardens or what other fancy name they may have is lacking to say the least. I have a resident’s permit, but can seldom use it due to said illegal parkers.

We pay for the residents’ permits and expect to have some sort of return.

Likewise, there are two drivers in our road, using disabled badges which appear not to be theirs. In London Boroughs, there is an allocated enforcement person to check these blue badge users.

Why haven’t we got them?

On another front, what is Mr West going to do about cyclists who do not use the new cycle lanes, do not have lights at night, do not obey the Highway Code, and ride across pedestrian crossings without looking?

Probably not a lot.

Chris Harvey-Jones, Rose Hill Terrace, Brighton