A multi-million pound scheme to drive green growth and create 250 jobs in the environmental sector has got funding.

The University of Brighton’s £3 million Green Growth Platformis expected to involve 1,000 firms.

It is estimated the project will contribute to 100 innovation projects, 15 new university or college courses and create 50 interns or apprentice positions.

Services to boost green growth and innovation will include one-to-one business coaching, innovation and research and development support, product and service development, training, intern and graduate recruitment, funding and networking events.

Funding from the project has come from a £50 million Higher Education Funding Council fund.

Damian Tow, director of the Eco Technology Show which supported the funding bid, said: “The green economy is a high growth sector and has the potential to develop in the same way that the digital industry has in Sussex, so we are very excited about working together to grow the marketplace and create jobs.

“The University of Brighton will be exhibiting and speaking at the Eco Technology Show next on June 26 and 27 and we looking forward to celebrating with them then.”

Michael Yeoman, managing director of energy company South Downs Solar, brought energy-saving device Power Diverter to market after working with the university.

The concept uses excess electricity generated by a domestic photovoltaic solar panel system to heat water via an immersion heater, maximising a building’s use of the power it generates.

Michael Yeoman said: “I worked with the university to prove the concept for my new product, and create a prototype, so that I knew it would work before fully developing it.

“The Green Growth Platform is an astute decision to help the environmentally- focused business sectors in Sussex as there is massive growth potential here.”

Environmental businesses are invited to launch at Gatwick between 3pm and 6pm on June 18.

Keynote speakers include Keith Manger from the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, with presentations of case studies and networking opportunities.

For more information about the project email Robb Cunningham at r.c.cunningham@brighton.ac.uk.