Brighton and Hove City Council is vacating the depot next to Hove Park and demolishing the ugly buildings which tarnish the area.

Plans were submitted for a school there last year but were dropped when some neighbours objected.

A recent public exhibition displayed fresh plans for a school on this site but even this is still just a proposal and open to change.

So, can we have a show of common sense, please?

We are desperately short of housing, especially council houses and flats. This would be an ideal site. The council has made it a priority to house the most socially disadvantaged in Brighton and Hove.

I know there will be an outcry from the not-in-my-back-yard brigade but social housing for the homeless and those with other pressing problems must be provided.

On this site, at least, the council won’t have to try to persuade a private developer to include a modest number of so-called affordable homes – it can genuinely address real need.

Some will no doubt whine about planning blight and point out that at least a good school would add value to their homes.

Doubtless they will soon start protesting about Waitrose taking over from the Co-op, too. This will add more to traffic and parking problems than any extra homes or a primary school. The often almost empty Co-op car park is in complete contrast to those outside the average Waitrose store.

Brighton and Hove City Council: please take this opportunity to use this tatty scrap of land for council housing.

David Williams, Hove