I must disagree with the reader who suggests science and religion differ and then tries to make scientific points (Letters, March 4).

The whole issue can be seen more clearly if “time” and “day”are properly defined.

The big bang caused lots of matter to move at the speed of light. Biological time does not move with chronological time until it slows down. This is accepted science through the theory of relativity. That makes it possible for the whole of creation to be made within the six Biblical days as a day is defined as one revolution of the Earth on its axis. Was that revolution in those days at the same speed?

The never-answered question is: if God exists, what created him and, if not, what created the energy/matter for a big bang?

Either God or matter came from non-being or nothing, so neither is a stronger possibility, so faith and science are equal and compatible.

RP Lambeth, Martin Road, Hove

The book of Revelation graphically predicts what appears to be an ecological or nuclear disaster that affects trees and grass, the sea, rivers and also predicts the increasing power of the sun to burn. Coincidence or divinely inspired?

Tony Smith, Brighton and Hove City Mission