Welcome to Berwick, the solar village capital of Sussex.

This monstrous industrial solar electrical generating plant of 71 acres is going to be sited in one of the most beautiful parts of Sussex in the Cuckmere Valley and Low Weald. Not only will it be seen from many parts of the South Downs, it will also be a few hundred yards from Arlington Reservoir, a site of special scientific interest.

The so-called “screening” of the site will have little or no effect, especially in winter with no foliage present.

It will have a big impact on all forms of wildlife. The balance between nature and interference is very sensitive.

The construction process, with thousands of supporting piles being driven into the ground, could drive wildlife out. Who knows if it will return? No study has been carried out.

We have a strong colony of bats and they must be affected by these alien structures in their hunting corridors.

Renewable energy is important for our future but not at the desecration of our wonderful green pastureland. There is nothing to justify solar energy on our farmland.

John Champion, Lower Wick Street, Berwick