It is slightly disturbing that people such as David Williams (Letters, May 20) can come out with such a profound statement that it’s “high time cyclists were tested in the same way as motorists”.

Perhaps the police should be more forthcoming with the facts on who hits who, and who is to blame?

From the data I have seen, it is still very much the cyclist who is the victim.

From the Department of Transport data I have seen it is still very much the driver in these situations who is at fault (not just with cyclists, but pedestrians, horse riders and motorcyclists).

No one would be so bold as to suggest that every cyclist is an angel, but it is wrong to suggest such demonisation while claiming that a driving-style test would be a benefit. We all now know that thousands of people are killed and seriously injured every year by drivers – drivers who were tested and had registration plates.

Oddly enough, there is a solution to bad cycling and it involves supporting the recommendations of the Get Britain Cycling inquiry.

You don’t have to be a bike rider to sign it. It affects us all. Follow this link

These measures are being proven to work in other countries, Britain is really no different and can benefit as well.

D Cook, Southampton, Hampshire