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Death Notice

Linda Ann Waddell

Published on 30/04/2021

WADDELL Linda Ann Passed away on Friday 16th April 2021 aged 64 years. Wife to Harvey, Mother to Andy and Emma. Funeral Service on Saturday 8th May 2021. Due to current regulations, the number of attendees at the funeral is restricted. Donations in Linda's memory may be made payable to St Barnabas House c/o H G King Funeral Services 69 North Road, Lancing, BN15 9AS. 01903 765766


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Andrew Wieczorek May 8th, 2021
Andrew Wieczorek image
My friend, colleague and confidante.
Always there to offer support, always forgiving, always caring. I never made time to say farewell.
I will always think of you for your kind and generous nature and the many memories you made for me to remember you by.

My most heart felt wishes to Harvey and your family.

Andy x