Street-level crime in Steyning - The Argus

Crime for Steyning

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Street-level crime and anti-social behaviour in from the Home Office.

To protect privacy, crimes are mapped to points on or near the road where they occurred.

Street name Crime type

Police station and neighbourhood policing team

Neighbourhood police station

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Steyning, Bramber, Upper Beeding, Ashington and Woodmancote neighbourhood policing team

PCSO Graeme Foster

PCSO Foster covers the following parishes;
Dial Post
Small Dole

PCSO Tracy Bicknell

PCSO Bicknell covers the following areas

Upper Beeding

Chief Inspector Sarah Leadbeatter (District Commander)

Sarah is part of the West Sussex Command Team and is responsible for the local policing of Adur, Worthing and Horsham districts. She leads the local Neighbourhood Policing Team consisting of both police officers and Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) as well as the Neighbourhood Response Teams who are all dedicated to protecting our communities, catching criminals and delivering an outstanding service to the local community.

Alongside her current role, Sarah is a Critical Incident Manager for the force, divisional lead for Stop and Search in West Sussex and is the force lead for tackling repeat victimisation. Sarah polices her district with passion and enthusiasm, ensuring her staff keep victims and communities at the heart of everything they do.

About this neighbourhood

Monday to Friday from 10am until 2pm

The force responsible for policing and crime prevention in this area is Sussex Police.

Monthly crime data provided by under the Open Government Licence