From tales of Cadbury's Creme Egg obsession to cross-country bus journeys, the inaugural Sitting On A Rug last month certainly lived up to Saunders' "anti-comedy, lo-fi"objectives.

Launched as a reaction to the traditional comedy club format, this monthly residency sees Saunders (whose previous shows include Pulp Boy and Missed Connections) and friends in initmate, ramshackle, storytelling mode.

This time he has invited the "brilliantly geeky" Richard Sandling, founder of Southend's Squat Betty alternative comedy club and creator of VHS 2 Planet Of The Tapes fame, and Liam Mallone.

Terry says: "There may not actually be a rug involved, but on the whole, sitting on a rug is a good thing. It normally has some kind of contentment attached, even more if it's near a fire (there definitely won't be a fire, unless an accidental one starts).

"So even if there isn't one, it'll feel in hindsight like there was."

  • Starts 8pm, tickets cost £7/£6. Call 07786 984900