Most towns in the UK are starting to look the same - their identities are disappearing. The Duke Of York's stands for the good things in life and we have to hold on to them."

So says Brighton-based Ian Parton of The Go! Team, explaining why the band is playing a fundraising show to help repair the roof of the Preston Circus cinema.

"We want to make it a good night out," says Ian. "It will be an experience our fans might not have seen before."

The main feature will be the band playing in front of the big screen to a special visual mash-up put together by artist Bob Jaroc, but the group have been mapping the night out from the minute people walk through the cinema lobby.

"There will be films before and after," says Ian. "DJs will be in the bar upstairs, and there will be film soundtracks playing as people arrive.

"We wanted to have some non-musical supports - people playing wine-glasses and dogs dancing - but we couldn't get all that together in time."

The Duke Of York's show is a break from the band's promo tour in support of their second album Proof Of Youth, the eagerly-anticipated follow-up to 2005's Mercury Music Prize-nominated Thunder, Lightning, Strike.

"I was conscious I couldn't go into a lavish studio with a s***hot producer and make some lavish production," says Ian, the main songwriter for the six-piece band. "I wanted to keep it lo-fi."

As with the debut album, the songs for Proof Of Youth arose from Ian's huge stock of ideas, which he is continually adding to.

"I'm a hoarder," he says. "I have loads of records with notes scribbled all over them, songs I have sung into my phone and things dating back ten years.

"I would be lying if I said I didn't know the gloves would be off for the second album and that people would compare it to the first and probably prefer it, but I think this new album still stands.

"I did want it to sound more trashy and live - a bit like it sounds in our rehearsal room."

  • Starts 9pm, SOLD OUT. For returns, call 0871 7042056.