Despite only being a small local team, the organisers of The Space manage to consistently pull interesting and impressive guests out of the hat for their Brighton audiences. This occasion was no different, with BBC Radio One Controller Andy Parfitt and Oscar-winning film editor Chris Dickens on the bill.

Hosted ably by Lisa Holloway, the night kicked off with an exploratory interview with Parfitt. The BBC stalwart was a natural on stage, taking questions about his £200K+ salary in his stride and smoothly justifying the pay of his station’s top talent.

Not quite so at home but very likeable, the second guest, editor Chris Dickens, had the unassuming air of a man perhaps more comfortable behind the scenes. But he warmed up after a couple of questions and settled in to talk warmly about his experiences on hit film Slumdog Millionaire and his multiple works with Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost.

A good old-fashioned raffle (with an array of covetable prizes that these events have gained a reputation for) ended a thoroughly enjoyable night out that was packed with value.