"Are you pirates?"

"We certainly arrrrrrrree....."

It's not every day that you arrive at a church and be greeted by a bunch of bandana-wearing ‎cutlass-clutching musicians intent on swigging grog and having a damn fine time.

But this is Brighton Fringe after all.

And Dead Man's Jig was one of those lovely Fringe surprises where you don't expect much but end up having a whale of a time.

Hosted by the Brighton Ceilidh Collective, there was enough dancing and singing to shake a dead parrot at.

And with the addition of a few cloth sails, lanterns and a ship's figurehead on the pulpit, you really did feel as though the wooden boards were the only thing between you and Davy Jones' locker.

The Saturday afternoon performance was intended to be child friendly. And it was impressive the way the performers ensured that no one‎ felt left out, regardless of their age.

We could have just done with a little more time to drink grog between songs.

But it was a minor gripe in a fun filled, toe tapping and arrrrr-tfully different sort of fringe performance.

Three stars