Ruby Wax’s stage show was the very antithesis of what one would expect from the comedienne, however her immense stage presence and comedic ability made the content easily palatable.

The unlikely guru took the audience with her, as she recounted her personal quest in overcoming depression, through understanding the inner sanctums of the mind.

Ruby achieved this through acquiring a master’s degree at Oxford University, in Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy, going on to write the best-selling book Sane New World in 2013.

The show was a live version of the book which has been described as “the manual to saner living”.

Wax was hilarious and engaging as she effortlessly explained brain functions, neuroplasticity, hormones and how stress of modern living contributes to mental health issues.

The audience was invited to take part in a Q&A session, and although some of the questions asked were banal, she answered them graciously. When asked how a comic could suffer with depression, her reply was: “Because your insides don’t know what your outside does for a living.”

Five stars