“When you awake, you find yourself in a dark room,” bellowed our host, inexhaustible Australian YouTube star John Robertson, and not for the first time. A hundred-plus shows into his touring choose-your-own-adventure comedy video game-show, audiences have inevitably gone around in circles just to return to that titular destination.

Confused? You wouldn’t be the only one. Robertson’s diabolical audience torture device took the form of a 1980s text-based role-playing game, where participants would be presented with options on screen to try to escape said dark room.

Face lit by a device also bearing an adapted games pad he controlled our fate with, the malevolent host was nothing short of brilliant. Screaming insults at unsuspecting victims one minute, condemning a 14-year-old girl to death the next, all the while Robertson’s maniacal eyes drifted further and further apart. This fizzing, hilarious character’s closest comedy relative would be Kevin Eldon’s King of Hobbies, Simon Quinlank.

Contestants won prizes but the real joy was the nostalgia twisted into something wonderfully different, brutally addictive and endlessly funny.