The Space is an intelligent discussion forum for those interested in the world of film and media. The evening was hosted by Vicky Nangle, who carried the event well with her clear questioning. Lighthouse Arts provided an academic setting for the evening.

Dennis Kelly provided a fascinating insight into his myriad career which encompasses writing Pulling and Utopia for television and Matilda – the recent multi Olivier award-winning musical. The second guest, Doctor Who producer Philip Hinchcliffe, offered several great stories from his time with Tom Baker.

Both speakers were engaging authorities on their subjects, however the interviews were too long and the audience’s attention was tested during the second interview. Limiting the evening to one guest would allow the event to be more relaxed and tailored, rather than pushing together two unrelated guests.

Great use was made of the snippets of footage to introduce each speaker; this media could be interacted with more to provide examples for the interviewee’s stories and break up the simple interview format. Another good idea would be to exercise some quality control on the Q&A section, asking audience members to write down their questions which can then be curated.

An informative, professional evening.