
  • Love Matters, with Julia Meanwell

    I was not surprised to hear that one of the top five New Year resolutions made this year was to lose weight. For many, gaining pounds over the years becomes a gradual process. In the case of Barbara and Kevin neither of them were aware of just how heavy

  • Animal rights

    Once again Mr Fraser (Opinion, January 2) is critical of animal rights campaigners, suggesting that they should be protesting against the annual turkey slaughter rather than the Boxing Day fox hunt. Organisations and individuals campaign throughout the

  • Rescued dog

    May I extend my heartfelt thanks to Sue who walks my dog, the fire service, Irene, the workers in the park and everyone involved who gave assistance in Happy Valley on December 29. My dog had to be cut free from a bench - she'd tried to reach the bird

  • Brave Ann boosts cancer fund

    Brave cancer sufferer Ann Rose is set to boost research into the disease by donating £80,000 cash. Ann, who has terminal breast cancer, has ignored her own plight to found the Monte Cancer Challenge. From her home in Third Avenue, Hove, she has led a

  • Gritters work

    I am heartily sick and tired of the constant criticism levied at our local councils concerning the salting of the highways. When will people realise that weather prediction is not a precise science. During the recent cold snap, the gritter lorries were

  • Illegal parking

    I have heard of several incidences recently where the emergency services have been unable to gain access to people in urgent need of help. When are harsh penalties to be imposed on motorists who park their vehicles illegally, thus deterring the emergency

  • War frontline

    I was interested to see your reviews by Stanley Jenkins and Peter Longstaff-Tyrell concerning the Sussex frontline. My father was the son of a Hove surgeon who went to Queensland for his health in 1916. My father ended up on the frontline in New Guinea

  • Basketball: Bears have to start from scratch

    Brighton Bears must go back to the drawing board for next weekend's double header away at Manchester and Sheffield. Especially after arch rivals Thames Valley Tigers put them in their place again at the Bracknell Sports Centre. Tigers' convincing 104-

  • Shame on you

    Scout leaders are furious that the youngster who wrecked their hut in Brighton by setting fire to it has received only a two-year supervision order. They believe the sentence does not in any way reflect the loss of more than half a century of history

  • Scooter craze

    I am amazed to see the come-back of the scooter which now invades our pavements and precincts. It is quite amusing to see large teenagers tearing along using only one foot so that only one set of leg muscles are being used. No one seems to change side

  • Needed: Man in the middle

    Brighton and Hove Council has been keen to get a better deal for many of the 25,000 leaseholders who face serious problems with landlords in the city. But some leaseholders have a gripe against one of the biggest and best- known landlords of all, the

  • Football: Hastings search for striker

    Hastings Town manager George Wakeling is continuing his search for a new striker despite seeing his side win 2-0 at home to Wisbech Town. Second-half goals from Duncan McArthur and Paul Jones gave Hastings their first victory in the eastern division at

  • Prawns celebrate year of independence

    It cannot be easy to be ruled by someone called North Sea Prawn. But for the last year, villagers in Ashurstwood have been toasting their independent state led by a hardcore of locals. This week, the village celebrates its first anniversary as the People's

  • Small business need support from locals

    It must be fairly obvious that when Brighton and Hove's small shops thrive, the money made stays mostly in our local economy because those shops are owned and staffed by local people. Money made by the big stores, owned by national and multi-national

  • Star man Patrick goes pop

    Astronomer Patrick Moore has made a guest appearance in a pop video. Sir Patrick, 77, who lives at Selsey, near Chichester, appears in a video to promote the song Swollen by dance duo Bent. Sir Patrick introduces the video, which shows musicians Nail

  • Baring all for dream holiday

    A young woman has bared all in a men's magazine to raise money for her dream holiday. Sarah Coombs, 24, of Bognor, pledged to model for FHM magazine on the condition readers gave her the £3,500 she needed for a reef-mapping trip to Honduras. She revealed

  • Postmistress hurt tackling raider

    A determined postmistress was slightly injured fighting off a robber who tried to steal £500. Julie Hillier, 40, who works at the Victoria Terrace Sub-Post Office in Hove, pounced on the robber after he told her to her to come out from behind the protective

  • My proposal for marriage

    Tony Blair has been criticised for failing to put marriage and the family at the heart of Government policy. Former Roman Catholic Bishop of Arundel and Brighton Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, who last year became the head of Roman Catholics in England and Wales

  • South East home to UK growth

    The South East is set to spearhead the UK's economic growth over the next ten years, long-range forecasts predict. Figures from the economic analysts Business Strategies show that growth in the region will average 3.3 per cent a year. All this will help

  • Love Matters, with Julia Meanwell

    I was not surprised to hear that one of the top five New Year resolutions made this year was to lose weight. For many, gaining pounds over the years becomes a gradual process. In the case of Barbara and Kevin neither of them were aware of just how heavy

  • Me and My Kids, by Bini McCall

    It has been a very quiet week after all the partying that went on during the previous fortnight. The tree and its lights have all been packed away in the attic for next year, and I have declared Christmas and New Year as being absolutely and officially

  • Lis Solkhon: The Voice of the Third Age

    I hope you all had a good Christmas and Rudolph and his friends delivered the goods as requested. I was fortunate to have my family in Brighton with me, rather than having to travel up to London to be with them. The family gathering included one of the

  • Teenager flees knife muggers

    A gang of five men held a knife to a Mid Sussex teenager's head and tried to rob him. Police are appealing for help to find the men who held up the 19-year-old in Crawley. The victim had withdrawn money from Barclays and Royal Bank of Scotland cash machines

  • Give Railtrack to public, say MPs

    Sussex MPs today called for Railtrack to be returned to public ownership amid falling public confidence and anger over fare hikes. Rail chaos in recent months has prompted Brighton Kemp Town MP Des Turner and Lewes MP Norman Baker to back an early day

  • Animal rights

    Once again Mr Fraser (Opinion, January 2) is critical of animal rights campaigners, suggesting that they should be protesting against the annual turkey slaughter rather than the Boxing Day fox hunt. Organisations and individuals campaign throughout the

  • Rescued dog

    May I extend my heartfelt thanks to Sue who walks my dog, the fire service, Irene, the workers in the park and everyone involved who gave assistance in Happy Valley on December 29. My dog had to be cut free from a bench - she'd tried to reach the bird

  • Brave Ann boosts cancer fund

    Brave cancer sufferer Ann Rose is set to boost research into the disease by donating £80,000 cash. Ann, who has terminal breast cancer, has ignored her own plight to found the Monte Cancer Challenge. From her home in Third Avenue, Hove, she has led a

  • Field work

    I was surprised to see a letter in the Argus claiming that I was out 'vertical' ploughing on January 1 in the field near Bevendean. I can assure you the last time I went ploughing was September 2000. What I've actually been doing is applying farm yard

  • Illegal parking

    I have heard of several incidences recently where the emergency services have been unable to gain access to people in urgent need of help. When are harsh penalties to be imposed on motorists who park their vehicles illegally, thus deterring the emergency

  • Thompson squeezes home as champion

    Gavin Thompson won the senior men's title and Caroline Hoyte the women's crown in an incident-packed Sussex Cross Country Championships at Lancing Manor. Thompson (Crawley) triumphed in the closest battle for a decade, while Hoyte (Arena 80) went off

  • War frontline

    I was interested to see your reviews by Stanley Jenkins and Peter Longstaff-Tyrell concerning the Sussex frontline. My father was the son of a Hove surgeon who went to Queensland for his health in 1916. My father ended up on the frontline in New Guinea

  • Shame on you

    Scout leaders are furious that the youngster who wrecked their hut in Brighton by setting fire to it has received only a two-year supervision order. They believe the sentence does not in any way reflect the loss of more than half a century of history

  • Have your say on mega development

    Chichester residents were today being given the chance to put forward their ideas for a multi-million pound development plan. District councillors want to transform the rundown Eastgate Square area with a development which could include shops, restaurants

  • Scooter craze

    I am amazed to see the come-back of the scooter which now invades our pavements and precincts. It is quite amusing to see large teenagers tearing along using only one foot so that only one set of leg muscles are being used. No one seems to change side

  • Strong cabbies

    I see that Roger French is having a go at taxis again, this time at the fares. But does Mr French tell the public that his big subsidies all come from the council and government, so basically we have all prepaid for our bus seat. Taxi owners pay the council

  • Football: Hastings search for striker

    Hastings Town manager George Wakeling is continuing his search for a new striker despite seeing his side win 2-0 at home to Wisbech Town. Second-half goals from Duncan McArthur and Paul Jones gave Hastings their first victory in the eastern division at

  • Sharman back for Crawley

    Crawley Town coach Brian Owen praised the performance of Keith Sharman, who played the whole 90 minutes during their 2-0 premier division defeat at King's Lynn. It was his first match since injuring his ankle over three months ago. Owen said: "Keith was

  • Rent rise for council tenants

    Rent rises are likely for thousands of council tenants in the Spring. Brighton and Hove Council is expected to fix the increase at 3.3 per cent, below Government guidelines. Detailed proposals will be put to a housing meeting and the policy committee

  • MP calls for housing benefit reforms

    Hundreds of youngsters are having trouble getting a home because of housing benefit restrictions, a Brighton MP says Labour MP for Brighton Pavilion David Lepper wants housing benefit restrictions imposed on people under 25 by the last Government to be

  • Reward to catch burglar

    A reward of £1,000 has been put up in the hunt for a burglar who broke into Heritage Travel in Shoreham. The reward, which is being offered by the firm's managing director, Christopher Steppe, will be paid for information leading to the arrest and conviction

  • Jail arsonist, scout chairman says

    The schoolboy who burned down a Scout hut in Patcham should have been sent to prison, according to the chairman of the group. Ron Murray, chairman of the 30th Brighton Scout Group, says the teenager destroyed 57 years of history and a building and equipment

  • Appeal to missing teenager

    Relatives of a missing 15-year-old have urged him to contact them or his parents to let them know he is safe. Police believe Jerome Thomas, who was last seen walking from his home in Gwbert, near Cardigan, Wales, on Monday, could be headed for Crawley

  • Binmen run late

    More than 60 streets in Brighton and Hove are still waiting for binmen to collect rubbish which has been piling up since Christmas. During an extra shift on Saturday, workers for council waste contractor Sita cleared 78 out of 140 streets awaiting a collection

  • Asda gets smart in price war

    Supermarket giant Asda is stepping up the "store wars" saga after announcing £52 million of cuts on branded goods. From today, the store is introducing 400 of American parent company Wal-Mart's own-brand "Smart Price" products to its shelves. The chain

  • Gas leak closes key road

    Commuters faced a nightmare journey home tonight when part of the A27 was closed. The Sompting bypass was closed from Church Lane to Dankton Lane after a gas main started leaking. The trouble came on top of roadworks which have reduced part of the A27

  • South East home to UK growth

    The South East is set to spearhead the UK's economic growth over the next ten years, long-range forecasts predict. Figures from the economic analysts Business Strategies show that growth in the region will average 3.3 per cent a year. All this will help

  • Ban circus abusers

    I see from a report in the Argus that Zippo's circus is going to be allowed to bring its animal circus back to the city with no regard to the petition that was handed into the council of more than 1100 signatures objecting to this form of animal abuse

  • Fares not fair

    Had Mr French been sincere in his concern for passengers he would have reduced all fares to 80p. The 25 per cent increase will make many realise that it is better value to motor across from here to Lewes and have a far more civilized afternoon than is

  • Me and My Kids, by Bini McCall

    It has been a very quiet week after all the partying that went on during the previous fortnight. The tree and its lights have all been packed away in the attic for next year, and I have declared Christmas and New Year as being absolutely and officially

  • Lis Solkhon: The Voice of the Third Age

    I hope you all had a good Christmas and Rudolph and his friends delivered the goods as requested. I was fortunate to have my family in Brighton with me, rather than having to travel up to London to be with them. The family gathering included one of the

  • MP's son in crash arrest drama

    An MP's son has been arrested on suspicion of drinking and driving after his sports coup crashed into a parked car. Damien Foster, the 26 year-old son of Hastings and Rye MP Michael Foster, was cut from the wreckage of his Vauxhall Calibra following the

  • Give Railtrack to public, say MPs

    Sussex MPs today called for Railtrack to be returned to public ownership amid falling public confidence and anger over fare hikes. Rail chaos in recent months has prompted Brighton Kemp Town MP Des Turner and Lewes MP Norman Baker to back an early day

  • Helpline's urgent call for more volunteers

    Vital calls to a helpline for people with mental health problems are being missed because of a shortage of volunteers. Charity workers at the Hove-based National Schizophrenia Fellowship (NSF) Mental Healthline are desperate to recruit extra helpers.

  • Field work

    I was surprised to see a letter in the Argus claiming that I was out 'vertical' ploughing on January 1 in the field near Bevendean. I can assure you the last time I went ploughing was September 2000. What I've actually been doing is applying farm yard

  • Darts: Sussex hold top guns to a draw

    Sussex held Cumbria to a draw in a nailbiting British League clash. Rod Hawkins was ultimately the Sussex star, making sure of the point in an 18-18 tie, the county's best result against Cumbria in years. The men's A team went into the final series of

  • Thompson squeezes home as champion

    Gavin Thompson won the senior men's title and Caroline Hoyte the women's crown in an incident-packed Sussex Cross Country Championships at Lancing Manor. Thompson (Crawley) triumphed in the closest battle for a decade, while Hoyte (Arena 80) went off

  • War brides

    Handsome Canadian servicemen charmed the local girls when they were stationed in Sussex during the Second World War. Hundreds of local women fell in love with them and moved thousands of miles to start a new life across the Atlantic. More than 200 war

  • Football: Pagham boss fed up

    Richie Reynolds was the most fed-up manager in Sussex, despite his side's 6-0 away win. Pagham's youngsters played some outstanding football to thrash Redhill in the John O'Hara Cup. Paul Morby (2), Lee Stevens, Lee Pinhorne, Ashley Edwards and Tony Stephens

  • Strong cabbies

    I see that Roger French is having a go at taxis again, this time at the fares. But does Mr French tell the public that his big subsidies all come from the council and government, so basically we have all prepaid for our bus seat. Taxi owners pay the council

  • Sharman back for Crawley

    Crawley Town coach Brian Owen praised the performance of Keith Sharman, who played the whole 90 minutes during their 2-0 premier division defeat at King's Lynn. It was his first match since injuring his ankle over three months ago. Owen said: "Keith was

  • Football: Freeman gets starting role

    Albion marksman Darren Freeman is on course for his first start in over four months against the club he quit to join the Seagulls. The Brighton-born forward is expected to figure from the kick-off in tomorrow night's LDV Vans Trophy tie against Brentford

  • High demand forces therapy scale-down

    An occupational therapy service for children with special needs has been forced to stop taking on new patients because of a lack of resources. South Downs Health NHS Trust is no longer taking referrals for children with mild problems as it cannot guarantee

  • Rent rise for council tenants

    Rent rises are likely for thousands of council tenants in the Spring. Brighton and Hove Council is expected to fix the increase at 3.3 per cent, below Government guidelines. Detailed proposals will be put to a housing meeting and the policy committee

  • MP calls for housing benefit reforms

    Hundreds of youngsters are having trouble getting a home because of housing benefit restrictions, a Brighton MP says Labour MP for Brighton Pavilion David Lepper wants housing benefit restrictions imposed on people under 25 by the last Government to be

  • Raw deal for right to buy tenants

    Council leaseholders say they would be better off with private landlords after facing home repair bills of up to £40,000. The call is an embarrassment to the council which has been one of the most strident critics of the raw deal faced by the city's 25,000

  • Jail arsonist, scout chairman says

    The schoolboy who burned down a Scout hut in Patcham should have been sent to prison, according to the chairman of the group. Ron Murray, chairman of the 30th Brighton Scout Group, says the teenager destroyed 57 years of history and a building and equipment

  • Cliff collapse blocks footpath

    A cliff fall has left a section of seafront walkway in Peacehaven blocked. Huge chunks of chalk broke away from the 80ft cliffs at the end of Vernon Avenue, Peacehaven. The collapse is thought to have been caused by freezing rainwater which had seeped

  • Binmen run late

    More than 60 streets in Brighton and Hove are still waiting for binmen to collect rubbish which has been piling up since Christmas. During an extra shift on Saturday, workers for council waste contractor Sita cleared 78 out of 140 streets awaiting a collection

  • Gamekeeper shoots wild boar

    A gamekeeper has told how he shot dead a 350lb wild boar in a Sussex woodland. John Cook, from Wadhurst, was clearing trees at Rughfields Farm, Hurst Green, when he heard a rustling in the undergrowth. Mr Cook, 54, said: "I saw something snuffling about

  • Asda gets smart in price war

    Supermarket giant Asda is stepping up the "store wars" saga after announcing £52 million of cuts on branded goods. From today, the store is introducing 400 of American parent company Wal-Mart's own-brand "Smart Price" products to its shelves. The chain

  • Gas leak closes key road

    Commuters faced a nightmare journey home tonight when part of the A27 was closed. The Sompting bypass was closed from Church Lane to Dankton Lane after a gas main started leaking. The trouble came on top of roadworks which have reduced part of the A27

  • Ban circus abusers

    I see from a report in the Argus that Zippo's circus is going to be allowed to bring its animal circus back to the city with no regard to the petition that was handed into the council of more than 1100 signatures objecting to this form of animal abuse

  • Fares not fair

    Had Mr French been sincere in his concern for passengers he would have reduced all fares to 80p. The 25 per cent increase will make many realise that it is better value to motor across from here to Lewes and have a far more civilized afternoon than is

  • Landslip misery for rail travellers

    Rail passengers in East Sussex face further disruption throughout this week following a landslide. It happened on Saturday at Crowhurst on the Hastings-Tunbridge Wells line. The landslide means only one line is in operation today, causing disruption to

  • MP's son in crash arrest drama

    An MP's son has been arrested on suspicion of drinking and driving after his sports coup crashed into a parked car. Damien Foster, the 26 year-old son of Hastings and Rye MP Michael Foster, was cut from the wreckage of his Vauxhall Calibra following the

  • Gas leak closes key road

    Commuters faced a nightmare journey home tonight when part of the A27 was closed. The Sompting bypass was closed from Church Lane to Dankton Lane after a gas main started leaking. The trouble came on top of roadworks which have reduced part of the A27

  • Church raided

    Thieves have stolen a cross and a bible worth hundreds of pounds from a church. The cross was gold plated with Russian writing on it and stood approximately 12in tall. The bible measured 12in by 14in. Both were stolen from St Mary Magdalene Church in

  • Helpline's urgent call for more volunteers

    Vital calls to a helpline for people with mental health problems are being missed because of a shortage of volunteers. Charity workers at the Hove-based National Schizophrenia Fellowship (NSF) Mental Healthline are desperate to recruit extra helpers.

  • Gritters work

    I am heartily sick and tired of the constant criticism levied at our local councils concerning the salting of the highways. When will people realise that weather prediction is not a precise science. During the recent cold snap, the gritter lorries were

  • Darts: Sussex hold top guns to a draw

    Sussex held Cumbria to a draw in a nailbiting British League clash. Rod Hawkins was ultimately the Sussex star, making sure of the point in an 18-18 tie, the county's best result against Cumbria in years. The men's A team went into the final series of

  • War brides

    Handsome Canadian servicemen charmed the local girls when they were stationed in Sussex during the Second World War. Hundreds of local women fell in love with them and moved thousands of miles to start a new life across the Atlantic. More than 200 war

  • Basketball: Bears have to start from scratch

    Brighton Bears must go back to the drawing board for next weekend's double header away at Manchester and Sheffield. Especially after arch rivals Thames Valley Tigers put them in their place again at the Bracknell Sports Centre. Tigers' convincing 104-

  • Football: Pagham boss fed up

    Richie Reynolds was the most fed-up manager in Sussex, despite his side's 6-0 away win. Pagham's youngsters played some outstanding football to thrash Redhill in the John O'Hara Cup. Paul Morby (2), Lee Stevens, Lee Pinhorne, Ashley Edwards and Tony Stephens

  • Needed: Man in the middle

    Brighton and Hove Council has been keen to get a better deal for many of the 25,000 leaseholders who face serious problems with landlords in the city. But some leaseholders have a gripe against one of the biggest and best- known landlords of all, the

  • Prawns celebrate year of independence

    It cannot be easy to be ruled by someone called North Sea Prawn. But for the last year, villagers in Ashurstwood have been toasting their independent state led by a hardcore of locals. This week, the village celebrates its first anniversary as the People's

  • Small business need support from locals

    It must be fairly obvious that when Brighton and Hove's small shops thrive, the money made stays mostly in our local economy because those shops are owned and staffed by local people. Money made by the big stores, owned by national and multi-national

  • Star man Patrick goes pop

    Astronomer Patrick Moore has made a guest appearance in a pop video. Sir Patrick, 77, who lives at Selsey, near Chichester, appears in a video to promote the song Swollen by dance duo Bent. Sir Patrick introduces the video, which shows musicians Nail

  • Candidates prepare for Youth Parliament

    Young people from East Sussex will soon have the chance to have their say in the first UK Youth Parliament. Elections for representatives for the county are to be held from next Monday, and all residents aged 11 to 18 will be entitled to vote. They will

  • Football: Freeman gets starting role

    Albion marksman Darren Freeman is on course for his first start in over four months against the club he quit to join the Seagulls. The Brighton-born forward is expected to figure from the kick-off in tomorrow night's LDV Vans Trophy tie against Brentford

  • High demand forces therapy scale-down

    An occupational therapy service for children with special needs has been forced to stop taking on new patients because of a lack of resources. South Downs Health NHS Trust is no longer taking referrals for children with mild problems as it cannot guarantee

  • Raw deal for right to buy tenants

    Council leaseholders say they would be better off with private landlords after facing home repair bills of up to £40,000. The call is an embarrassment to the council which has been one of the most strident critics of the raw deal faced by the city's 25,000

  • Baring all for dream holiday

    A young woman has bared all in a men's magazine to raise money for her dream holiday. Sarah Coombs, 24, of Bognor, pledged to model for FHM magazine on the condition readers gave her the £3,500 she needed for a reef-mapping trip to Honduras. She revealed

  • Cliff collapse blocks footpath

    A cliff fall has left a section of seafront walkway in Peacehaven blocked. Huge chunks of chalk broke away from the 80ft cliffs at the end of Vernon Avenue, Peacehaven. The collapse is thought to have been caused by freezing rainwater which had seeped

  • Postmistress hurt tackling raider

    A determined postmistress was slightly injured fighting off a robber who tried to steal £500. Julie Hillier, 40, who works at the Victoria Terrace Sub-Post Office in Hove, pounced on the robber after he told her to her to come out from behind the protective

  • Gamekeeper shoots wild boar

    A gamekeeper has told how he shot dead a 350lb wild boar in a Sussex woodland. John Cook, from Wadhurst, was clearing trees at Rughfields Farm, Hurst Green, when he heard a rustling in the undergrowth. Mr Cook, 54, said: "I saw something snuffling about

  • Thief's 'gift' to young victims

    A thief took mobile phones from two boys - then returned ten minutes later and gave them a necklace. The boys, aged 12 and 14, were in a phone box in Queens Square, Crawley, when a man tapped on the window to attract their attention. The man, who was

  • My proposal for marriage

    Tony Blair has been criticised for failing to put marriage and the family at the heart of Government policy. Former Roman Catholic Bishop of Arundel and Brighton Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, who last year became the head of Roman Catholics in England and Wales