A lifelong Albion fan who helped to save the club when it left the Goldstone Ground stadium in Hove has been honoured with his name on the side of a club minibus.

Paul Samrah has been one of Brighton’s most proactive supporters, helping the club to secure planning permission for the Amex as well as following the club across the country.

Now, the club has honoured Paul by naming a minibus after him which will be used to take fans to the Amex on matchdays.

Paul was also shown around Albion’s training ground in Lancing to celebrate the occasion and met with former Brighton striker Glenn Murray to officially unveil the bus.

Paul, 65, said: “It was a huge surprise. When our passengers get on the bus to go to the Chelsea game they will get a surprise when they see my name emblazoned on the minibus.

“This is a different club to when we first moved to the Amex, let alone the Gillingham and Withdean days. The way we’re going anything is possible.

“I can’t believe any prospective Premier League player would not be blown away by the facilities at the training ground – it’s like a six-star hotel.”

The minibus with Paul’s name on it will be used near his home in Henfield to ferry Albion fans between the village and the Amex for home games.

Paul helped to rally fans when the club lost the Goldstone ground in 1997 and was outspoken in his support for the Amex stadium in Falmer.

Glenn Murray said: “It is only fitting to pay tribute to Paul whose spirit and selfless devotion helped save the club from oblivion and set it on its way to much brighter days. This is a great way to thank Paul for all he has done for our club and community.”

Superstar DJ and Albion fan Norman Cook, aka Fatboy Slim, sent his own personal tribute to Paul, adding: “I could say something corny like we have come a long way, but the thing is we have. Through the highs and the lows he has always been there supporting the club. I am very jealous because I have never had a minibus named after me!”

The minibus will be used for the first time when Albion face Chelsea on Wednesday.

Paul is also currently raising thousands to supply medical equipment to people in Ukraine in September.