I've been going through my Psychologies mag 2011 pocket life coach booklet, found while tidying up and not looked at until last week. Procrastinate? Me? There's a section on ridding yourself of mental clutter. Now, a lot of life coaching is about resurrecting old dreams and making them a reality if they are truly our heart's desire. Valid stuff. Also valid is "giving up on any burdensome aspirations - the vague ones that have been hanging over you for years - that aren't definite goals, and just serve to make you feel bad". Hurrah! What common sense.

Here's to giving up on those aspirations that don't belong to us. Some of mine - 1970's two seater Mercedes (where would I park it?), Vivienne Westwood suit (for what exactly?) and motherhood (I'm too OLD!).

Now there's a bit of space to think about the real stuff.

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