UPDATE: The Chief Executive of Brighton and Hove City Council has apologised to Status Quo and its fans for any offence caused by a bizarre job advert. Status Quo this morning slammed the council for the ad for four directors on salaries of £125,000 per year, which uses the slogan "Status Quo fans need not apply".

The rock band is planning to display a banner reading: "Councillors for Brighton and Hove need not attend" when they perform at the Brighton Centre in December.

But this afternoon, chief executive John Barradell published an open letter on the council website apologising for any offence caused.

It read: "Dear Status Quo (and fans!)

"A quick note about our recruitment campaign, which has been noticed far beyond my expectations.

"Firstly, I'm sorry if any offence has been caused by our advert slogan "status quo fans need not apply" -- none was intended. What we mean by this play on words is that we want people who will come to the council with brilliant and original ideas about how to make residents' lives better. We don't want people who will accept things the way they are.

"But I accept that it was a little insensitive. My wife did say when she saw it that "it might upset Quo fans". I hoped it would make us stand out from the crowd and would get people interested. Clearly she was right. That said, I've sent a letter to the official fan website to explain this and, judging by the responses, most are prepared to take the joke in the spirit in which it was meant.

"Of course, I don't need to say how well loved and supported the Quo are here in Brighton & Hove.

"Finally, I should clarify that the question of musical preference will not be asked at interview; it is not relevant to the recruitment of these jobs."

Simon Porter, the band's manager, told The Telegraph: "This is a direct insult to the capabilities of millions of Quo fans, many of whom are probably totally overqualified for these jobs.

"On top of that, this just seems like a ludicrous waste of money.

Perhaps the council should make some savings in its recruitment department."

Meanwhile, an imposter pretending to be Status Quo guitarist Francis Rossi is rumoured to have applied for one of the positions.

Fans of the aging rockers, who regularly play at the Brighton Centre, are divided if the recruitment campaign is a big hit or offensive to rockers all over the world.

Writing on the fans' official forum a fan using the name Huge Obese Mama said the Quo's front man had just applied.

Others have suggested organising a mass application for the jobs.

JeffC wrote: "Rather than complaining, maybe lots of us should apply for the post, including lots of references to being Quo fans within our application."

Another wrote: "I suggest a large banner outside the Brighton Centre when Status Quo play there this winter, reading, 'officers of Brighton and Hove City Council not welcome'."

Others, such as Nmellor and BlackWidow wrote to the local authority asking for clarification as to what the ad means.

Another, called Make it Quo, Number One, said: "I think it's a rather clever and amusing play on words while still setting out its stall for what it requires from its new exec[s].

"Good to see Brighton and Hove has a sense of humour."

In reply to the fans, the local authority's chief executive John Barradell said: "Firstly I'm sorry to you and any other Status Quo fans if any offence has been caused by this advert. Offence was not intended.

"We are trying to recruit people that are not going to 'do nothing', not 'rock the boat' or accept the 'status quo' or any of the other expressions that try to express what we are looking for."

A spokeswoman for the council could not confirm the applicants until the process closed on June 21.

Our reporter Tim Ridgway's application

While public funding is going Down Down Deeper And Down, I am keen to provide Whatever You Want and I am looking forward to working with the local MPs such as Caroline (Lucas).

I am well-travelled having been Rockin' All Over The World and do enjoy the odd Marguerita Time.

As I am In The Army Now, I am extremely well disciplined and enjoy the creative side of life, especially making Paper Planes.

Again And Again I have proven that hard work does not bother me - I charge into it like Twenty Wild Horses.

I hope You'll Come Round to reading this application.

I hope it is the start of a successful partnership -- maybe you will Make Me Stay A Bit Longer than planned.