Another hectic day. Jacob's school was closed so he was home today while Lewis begrudgingly went in.

I have signed up to another contract with a women's magazine and agreed to do an interview with ITV.

A woman who has set up her own production company also wants to do a documentary following my situation and how we are coping as a family. I am very excited and overwhelmingly flattered by all the interest but I am a little bit worried about how I am going to fit it all in having just returned to work too.

My concern ultimately is that I will end up with less of that quality time which I so cherish with Jacob, Lewis and Tom. I will just have to keep my feet on the ground, prioritise my time and be sensible.

On Thursday my morning was spent at the hospital. My oncologist explained that the cancer travels around my body in my bloodstream looking for vulnerable areas to stop and grow in.

At the moment things are okay. However I have been booked in for a brain scan because of the migraines and blackouts. I can't help feeling a little bit like a time bomb.

On Friday, Mum came over and took the boys to school so I could have a nice lie in. Later we went to watch Lewis's inter-school football tournament and his school came second.

Saturday was a relaxing day. The boys played nicely with their friends and Tom fitted a new shower which I am delighted with. He is an incredibly practical and capable husband which is another thing I consider myself very fortunate about.

I popped out to George Street in Hove to get my nails done and I was flattered to be recognised again. I am very grateful to all the people who take the time to come up to me and say such lovely things. I would like to thank them via my diaries and also say thanks to those people who have written to me.

It really is very encouraging and ensures that I stay positive. I should not be put on a pedestal though as I might fall off!

I honestly don't judge myself entirely worthy of all the praise. I don't think there is another way for me to be particularly when I am surrounded by so many wonderful people who offer me so many fantastic opportunities and support.

I cannot change the outcome of my prognosis so I just want to make the best of the time I have.

In the evening we had a big tidy up after the boys' sleepover. Jacob and Lewis were fantastic the way they mucked in and they fell asleep quite quickly when they eventually went to bed. Tom and I had some time together in front of the television, me sipping my glass of wine and Tom with his Fosters speaking of which the kittens are settling in very well.

Although they have destroyed every plant in the house and are eating us out of house and home they are fabulous. They will be a great strength to Jacob and Lewis when the time comes.

Jacob had his SAT test at school this week and being conscientious it means a great deal to him. I was helping as a reader for another child and felt happy to be involved but I could not help thinking that I might not actually be around to find out how he gets on by the time the papers have been marked.

Lewis has got me reading this Harry Potter book to him. It is massive so I am just reading a little bit every night but I think he is probably going to have to finish this one on his own.

I thought the boys were very strong in the ITV interview and I got a pang at one point when the reporter asked if they knew what the memory boxes were for.

Jacob very clearly and matter-of-factly stated: "Because my mum has got cancer and she is going to die".

On Tuesday I went to see my friend Rinty for some complementary treatments for my aching body and my friend Jacqueline arrived with her new baby Toby.

It was so lovely to see them both and I could not help wondering where Toby's life will take him. Children seem to grow up so quickly and I find it quite scary sometimes when I look at my own. We have so many memories and by creating the memory box I guess I am making some stronger than others.

I only hope I have chosen items wisely.