This week was my second week of my resocialisation into adult life. I have had a meet up with Reluctant Housewife, been to a second baby group and now I have to admit I am thriving on having more adult interaction in my life.

I have to say now I am itching for home life to be a bit more about me and hubby.

Having a baby totally changes you. I am now not just a lover but also a mother and at the beginning of parenthood everyone, even me, has become focused on my transition to mother. The hard part is trying to keep grasp on the person you were beforehand.

It's not just about being a yummy mummy, it's being seen as yummy without the mummy as well. Pregnancy and motherhood does change your personality but how do you fuse what you once were to what you now are and have a happy compromise. This can change a relationship so much as a first time mum when you are learning the ropes and coping with tiredness.

My dad is over from Oz this month and offered to babysit. It feels the right time to spend some time focused on us so that we're happy as a couple as well as parents. It can only be beneficial to our little family as individuals too.

So my darling Gav, how about I take you on a date?