I’ve now been a member of a few baby web sites where communities of mothers or mums to be discuss a number of issues around advice pre and post baby.

One of the most fascinating posts I have read recently is where one pregnant woman mentioned that she was holding out for a push present and that she was expecting diamonds from her partner on the birth of their child.

This discussion is not to be confused with gifts that are unexpected but about when a gift is expected and indeed a certain type of gift requested in exchange for giving birth.

Wikipedia explains push presents as a gift that commemorates a birth. The term being first published in 1992 and in 2007 jewellery company Furtunoff established a push present directory. There is no concrete evidence that this was a term used by jewellery companies to make more sales.

I am wondering why Push Presents are so appealing to discuss prior or post birth when I am finding there are lots of other things to keep me occupied. Yet I find myself interested on opinions surrounding this whole idea.

I mentioned the idea to my husband on the way to work this morning and he looked at me horrified that he had forgotten something that was his duty to do. In fact that is not what I believe and I followed on the conversation saying that having a family makes us stronger and no material things can make that any different/better/more fulfilling.

My baby will be pushed into this world regardless of material items and will be surrounded by love from us both. Having our baby was a joint decision and bringing her into world is one that will, I expect, be thoroughly rewarding within itself.

I asked the question on twitter and a baby site this morning and was reassured that other woman feel as I do on this issue.

Have you asked for a push present? How do you feel about the idea? Let me know.