I understand that in an attempt to stop the swine flu spreading throughout France, Le President has promised not to kiss anyone. The French Authorities have decided that a one metre exclusion zone should exist between people and that the alternating cheek pecking (which of course varies in number of kisses dependent on the region of France) is not healthy. So now we cannot shake hands with anyone; cannot kiss anyone; certainly cannot cough or sneeze over people; so how do we express our pleasure at meeting someone! Ideas by return of blog comment please!

I am still being asked about the safety of the swine flu vaccine … “has it been fully tested”. As per my previous blog – YES ! The swine flu vaccine is manufactured and tested in exactly the same way as the millions of flu vaccines produced over the past forty years. It is safe and IS ADVISED. Please do not take to heart the disaster stories that some media love to spread. The Brighton and Hove Tamiflu distribution centre was fairly quiet when I walked past this lunchtime… For those who are not aware, should you be diagnosed with swine flu, you will have to appoint someone (A “FLU FRIEND”) to collect the Tamiflu or Relenza treatment from the flu centre. The flu centre for Brighton and Hove is on the Church Road side of the old Hove Town Hall where the Parking Office used to be. It is important that anyone with flu does not attend this centre in person but phones the national flu line first who will ask various screening questions before advising on treatment. So if you want to make sure that you can access treatment rapidly should it be offered to you, make sure you have at least one “flu friend” who knows where to go for the medication.

Don’t forget – ideas please on how to greet people without infecting them!