How do you pick the perfect name for your baby? One that lasts time and still sounds beautiful.

Some people copy celebrity fad names that don't often weather time. Some name their children after their favourite celebrity only for the celeb to fail, have a scandal in the News of the World or to become five minute wonders. How many Apples, Fifi Trixibelle, Peaches etc will despise their name and their parents choice.

The same goes for children named after a dead relative. I always think this means the child will always feel like it has to make up for that person not being around rather than feeling like a lovely tribute.

A name is for life. Do you go for modern or traditional? Something that has meaning like the words of the songs you and your partner attribute to each other. It seems that people that know me thought I would be going for a name that would be completely different or 'out there' but would I really want a Zowie Bowie that felt the need to change his name years later.

Names, of course, are as individual as each person. It is down to individual parent choice but the complexity of picking one that fits the little person wriggling in your tummy without properly meeting them scares me. What if our little girl hates our choice later in life or it doesn't suit the child, the girl and the woman she'll be?

My current theory is to pick a name that can be shortened to a few alternatives that way our child can have some part in who is she and what fits her.